Patch and Deployment

Simplify Patch Management

Ensuring patch and software updates are routinely and completely applied in a timely manner can be difficult and time-consuming. EPICSOFT allows you to take back control and keep your systems current by automatically downloading and installing patches, based on predefined patch policies and schedules that you control to minimize network impact. With EPICSOFT, you can deploy in test environments, and create any approval or multi-step process required before deployment.

Discovery and Audit

Finds all devices in the first place, as well as monitoring operating details (to know what needs to be patched)

Policy-based Management

Policy-based approach allows set-and-forget simplicity, letting you control all aspects of patch deployment, such as scheduling by time, computer, group or user defined collections of computers

Remote Management

Access and patch all devices, including off-network devices sitting on an employee’s countertop, and set times for devices to power on, power off, or reboot